U.S.A Domestic visa requirements

Matter Description:

The United state of America is one of the countries where foreign citizens like to travel for tourism, study, visit, and work for a successful life. In the USA, their work duration is based on hours of service.

However, working for a government or private individual, the working hours count the same, and most importantly the payment is always the same. Unlike other countries of the world, their pay method discriminates federal workers from the state as well as domestic workers.


Working for governments or private households in the USA, you still earn a better income to live a comfortable life in the country.

However, domestic workers provide services to private homes. their major services are cleaning, sweeping, washing, cooking, taking care of kids as well as keeping the environment neat.

Many people see domestic work as female work, no! The domestic work/job can be done by both male and female workers.

However many factors can lead individuals into domestic work, some jobs required certificates while some don’t. Also, many countries of the world lack job opportunities for their citizens, even when the citizens have the qualifications for the job. just like we said in the first instance, some family backgrounds may not permit an individual to go to school or obtain the required certificate, which may hinder their chance of employment opportunities in their lives.

However, the demand for domestic services is growing higher in the country of the US. This is because, in United State, about 85% of its citizens need housing helps workers.

For a foreign national to work as a domestic server in the country of U.S.the, the applicant must have a domestic worker visa. Before then, let’s look at what a visa is all about.

Who is a Domestic Server?

A domestic server is also called a house server/worker. A person who accepts to work in a private house to earn a living by providing services to other devices inside or outside the household through the home network or the Internet.

It can also be seen as the person whose job is to take care of household items and make sure the items are in the right position. Eg takes care of electrical appliances, keeping the environment neat, sometimes taking care of children as nannies, etc.

What is a visa?

A visa is an official document issued by a foreign government to a non-citizen that permits the foreigner to enter the country and live, study, visit, work, receive treatment, etc according to the duration and purpose of the documents.The US Domestic Work Visa

What is a Domestic Work Visa?

A domestic work visa is a conditional authorization granted by the U.S. government to foreigners which allows them to enter, and work as a domestic server for any private or public employer in the country.

Domestic Visas typically include limits on the duration of the foreigner’s stay and work within the country of the USA.

The US domestic visa is the main immigration way out for foreign domestic workers coming to the country to work in a private household for their overseas employer to earn a living.

The US domestic work visa applicants must have specific eligibility criteria to qualify for the visa according to the US immigration law as thus:

For those applicants living in the U.S Already.

  • The applicant must be up to 18 years and above.
  • The applicant has experience in domestic household work for at least, one year.
  • The applicant must demonstrate the duties of the role of the house server once in the employer’s house, this will serve as the additional qualification for the job.
  • The applicant had once joined the employer for a trip to the USA.
  • The applicant might have worked as a domestic housekeeper in the country before.
  • The applicant must not have a negative record such as a criminal act or ex-convict.
  • The proof of physical fitness/healthy.
  • The proof of financial strength to support yourself in case of emergency, feeding, and accommodation.

The Eligibility for Domestic Visa, only those living outside the USA:

If you are a foreigner thinking about how to apply for a U.S domestic visa, you must possess the following documents to enable you to apply for the visa:

  1. The applicant must be 18 years and above of age.
  2. The proof of a non-criminal act from a recognized court of your home country.
  3. The proof of medical fitness.
  4. The proof that you are going to live the country as soon as your work is called off.
  5. The proof of the financial statement that you have enough money that can sustain you for a while in case of immanency.
  6. Demonstrate the attitude of a patriotic citizen and law-abiding.
  7. The proof that you are going to work as a full-time domestic server to your employer.

The Requirements for Domestic Work Visa:

Whether you want to apply for your domestic visa online or in the consulate/immigration center, you will need to submit the basic requirements for your domestic work visa as shown below:

  • The proof of financial support has a reasonable amount, which means that you can take care of yourself while in the country of the US.
  • The applicant’s current passport photograph is at least valid for six months.
  • The applicant’s medical fitness certificate. This is to prove that you are not suffering from any kind of contagious disease.
  • A 12-month domestic server experience.
  • Attestation letter from your employer, name, location, the types of domestic work as well as the duration of your work. signed by your employer.

However, the secondary Requirements are as follows:

  • The applicant’s payment details.
  • Your health insurance.
  • The duration of your job (the time for the work)
  • The job description
  • The location of the job
  • The working hours of the job.

How to apply for a domestic worker visa:

Apply for your domestic work visa is easier, anywhere you find yourself. You can apply online, to the immigration center, and if you are already living in the country, you can apply directly to the U.S. immigration center.
This application is done with the requirement listed above.

How to Extend Your Domestic Work Visa:

Your US domestic visa can be extended with the following qualifications:

  • The proof that you are currently a domestic server under the employer in the country.
  • The proof of your expired domestic work visa in the USA.
  • The evidence shows that you still have the intention to work as a domestic server under the employer in the US.
  • The evidence shows that you had been working as a domestic server all this while.

You can also read about the USA business visa here.


The “U.S domestic visa requirements” is an article that explained the meaning of domestic workers in the country of the USA.

The article further explains the meaning of a visa, the meaning of a domestic work visa, the eligibility for the visa, the requirements for a domestic worker’s visa, and the eligibility for the domestic visa extension.

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