The Complete Guide To Writing A Resume In 2024

Creating a resume is a tricky process that can feel very hard at times. Writing a resume can feel like bragging sometimes, especially if you have a lot of achievements and qualifications. If you do not, on the other hand, you are likely to judge or criticize yourself for not making use of the opportunities that came your way

When looking for a job, most employers will only spend a few seconds to minutes reviewing your resume probably due to the volume of applicants for the position. So that means you should try as much as possible to fit all your qualifications and necessary information in a way that will stand out to the reader. This will build interest and maybe get them hooked. This can prove to be an essential step in securing the job.

In this post, things to be discussed include:

  • How to write your resume
  • Steps to writing your resume
  • How long it will take to write a resume

 How To Write Your Resume

Many people start by creating an unorganized list of skills, experiences, and hobbies. While it may be easy to create, it does not set a good impression or show off your strengths.

It is important to know how to organize your resume professionally so that it reflects you and looks consistent throughout.

Crafting a compelling resume can open doors to new career opportunities. We live in a world where first impression matters so your resume serves as a ticket to showcasing your skills, experiences, and unique value to potential employers. In this guide, we’ll explore the essential steps and strategies to help you write a good resume that will stand out, command attention, and set you apart for the job.

The Complete Guide To Writing A Resume In 2024

STEP 1: Gather your professional information and prepare to write a great resume

Preparation is a vital element in writing a resume that stands out. We’ll cover what essential information you should gather before writing your resume to save time and put your best foot forward. To ensure a well-prepared resume, carefully examine your relevant qualifications and match them with the requirements of your desired job.

Take the time to organize a comprehensive list that includes:

Measurable accomplishments from your previous positions that highlight your achievements and contributions.

A complete inventory of your skills, including soft skills, hard skills, and technical skills, matching them to the required skills outlined in the job description.

Detailed information about your previous employers, with their names, dates of employment, locations, job titles, and a clear outline of your responsibilities at the job.

Educational credentials, such as your college degree, certifications, or licenses demonstrate your expertise in specific areas.

Any volunteer work where you gained skills and experience relevant to the role you are applying for.

Notable awards and honors you have received, which further validate your exceptional abilities and dedication.

Review these qualifications against the job description and note where there is a match. Writing a customized resume is a great way to impress employers and secure interviews.

STEP 2: Pick the best resume format for your needs

Now that you’ve prepared your information, it’s time to choose a resume format that effectively showcases your qualifications.

There are three standard formats for writing a resume. Each uses the same resume sections but organizes them differently, so it is best to choose one that works well for your work experience level and your professional goals. Below, is a detailed explanation of these formats:

The chronological resume format is the most commonly used. It’s perfect for candidates who want to highlight their work experience when building a resume because it places it front and center. It’s the ideal format for individuals with consistent professional backgrounds and no employment gaps.

The functional resume format focuses on showcasing your skills and training. It’s designed to highlight the abilities that make you a valuable addition to any team, even if you’re applying for your first job or changing careers. This format is especially beneficial for those with employment gaps or limited work experience.

The combination resume format, also known as the hybrid resume, combines the best of the functional and chronological formats. This resume format allows you to showcase your skills while also highlighting your relevant work experience. It’s an excellent choice for job seekers with more than 10 years of experience and those seeking to move up in their careers.

Step 3: Add your contact information

One of the most important aspects of writing a resume is ensuring that your contact information is displayed so that hiring managers can contact you for an interview.

Check out the examples below to learn what contact information to include, where to place it, and how to format it for maximum impact.

Here’s what to include in your resume contact information:

  • Your full name.
  • A reliable phone number.
  • Your professional email address.
  • Your city, state, and ZIP code.
  • A link to your professional social media account, website, or portfolio if you have them.
 Step 4: Write a resume summary or objective statement

A compelling resume summary provides a concise and impactful overview of a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and career goals. If you are a first-time job seeker, changing careers or returning to work after a long absence, you can write a resume objective instead.

Unlike a resume summary, a resume objective should tell hiring managers why you want the job, but it should focus on the needs of the company, not your goals. Hiring managers want to know what’s in it for them, so get their attention and make them your objective.

Step 5: Make a resume work history section

Potential employers want to know what they can gain by hiring you, so they will review your resume work history section to see how you have used your skills and knowledge to make an impact on current and previous employers.

For each job, display three to five work accomplishments in bullet points and quantify them when possible. A 2018 survey conducted on behalf of CareerBuilder found that 34% of hiring managers identified a lack of quantifiable results in a resume as an instant deal breaker.

 Steps To Write Your Resume

  • Gather Information: Collect all relevant information about your education, work experience, skills, certifications, and achievements.
  • Choose a Format: Select a resume format that best highlights your strengths, such as chronological, functional, or combination.
  • Create Sections: Organize your resume into clear sections, including Contact Information, Summary/Objective, Work Experience, Education, Skills, and Additional Sections if necessary.
  • Write a Compelling Summary/Objective: Craft a concise and compelling summary or objective statement that highlights your career goals and key qualifications.
  • Detail Work Experience: Describe your work experience using action verbs, quantifiable achievements, and relevant responsibilities tailored to the job you’re applying for.
  • Highlight Education and Skills: Showcase your educational background, degrees, certifications, and relevant skills that align with the job requirements.
  • Customize for Each Application: Tailor your resume for each job application by emphasizing relevant experiences and skills that match the job description.
  • Proofread and Edit: Thoroughly review your resume for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. Ensure consistency and clarity throughout.
  • Seek Feedback: Get feedback from peers, mentors, or professionals in your field to ensure your resume effectively showcases your qualifications and accomplishments.
  • Update Regularly: Continuously update your resume with new experiences, skills, and achievements to keep it current and relevant to your career goals.

Following these steps would ensure you have a resume that is polished and highlights your strengths and further increases your chances of landing interviews and job opportunities.

How Long Will It Take To Write Your Resume?

The Complete Guide To Writing A Resume In 2024

The time it takes to write a resume is highly dependent on various factors including:

  • Length of Experience
  • Level of Experience
  • Field/Industry

Furthermore, I find that it’s easier for individuals to spend a lot of time brainstorming, taking notes, and researching before they even start the resume-writing phase. This process may take them a couple of hours spread over a week or two.

Once you have narrowed down the content, then it comes to writing the resume which can take another hour or two, and then proofreading which could be another hour. Then you’re likely to hand it off to a friend for advice and start back at editing and proofreading again.

As an experienced professional, however, writing resumes would be fairly quick as you would know exactly what would be needed and what to look for. However, to make a high-quality resume, each one requires specific research.


While the time investment in crafting a resume can vary, one aspect remains constant: the importance of a well-crafted resume. Your resume is your first impression on potential employers, serving as a powerful tool to showcase your skills, experiences, and qualifications.

A good resume not only highlights your achievements but also communicates your professionalism and attention to detail. It can open doors to new opportunities and significantly impact your job search success.

Therefore, while the process of resume writing may require time and effort, the dividends of presenting a polished and compelling document are invaluable in today’s competitive job market.”

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