8 Proven Ways to Make Incredible Family Memories When Travelling Abroad

Ways to Make Incredible Family Memories When Traveling Abroad

Make Incredible Family Memories When Travelling Abroad-Travelling abroad is not something everyone gets to experience, let alone travelling abroad with family.

When this happens, it stands out to be a memorable event already. But how can it be made more memorable? There are many ways to Make Incredible Family Memories When Travelling Abroad and in this post, I’ll be sharing my top 8 suggestions.
Let’s dive in!

8 Proven Ways to Make Incredible Family Memories When Travelling Abroad

1. Digital Disconnect

This is the first on my list because nowadays, people spend more time on their phone than with other people especially teenagers. Globally, people spend an average of 6 hours and 58 minutes of screen time per day, nearly 50 minutes more than in 2013.

Recent reports show that teenagers spend an average of 8 hours per day on their devices post-pandemic. Therefore, it is important that for proper family bonding, screen time of every member should be reduced significantly to prevent distraction and

2. Plan Ahead

Planning is an essential part of basically almost everything you do in life. Planning the event and activities of a trip can make all the difference. Schedule places to go, when to eat, when to go for a stroll. Every detail of your trip should be planned to reduce chances of a chaotic trip

3. Try New Things

The 18th century poet, William Cowper said in his poem, The Task that “Variety is the spice of life that gives it all its flavors.” So go ahead, go bungee jumping, scuba diving or climb a mountain.

Or it could be something as small as trying out the local cuisine or engaging in local activities like festivals, handicrafts or dances. Just do something you’ve never done before. In the future, it could always be a good conversation starter or icebreaker.

4. Make Sure Everyone Has a Say

As a parent or guardian, you probably want to take charge of all the activities of your wards but it shouldn’t be so. Let them have a say in what they do too. Remember, the trip is for everyone’s enjoyment so let them be involved in choosing their activities too provided their suggestions are safe.

5. Engage With The Local

This point cannot be emphasized enough. It is always a good idea to make friends with the locals of anywhere you’re travelling. It’s their town or city so they’ll know the best spots, where to get the cheapest deals, the restaurants with the best food and as a tourist you might not know all these. You can also hire a local tour guide to help with this

6. Capture Every Moment

Roger Kingston, a famous photographer said, “A camera is a SAVE button for the mind’s eye”. No matter how much fun you’re having, don’t forget to take pictures and videos.

Make slideshows or collages if you wish but the important thing is to make sure those memories are preserved. These captured memories can be therapeutic and evoke feelings of nostalgia in later years. They can also serve as something to reminisce about

7. Collect Souvenirs

Another thing to help keep the memories alive are souvenirs. It could be postcards, a T-shirt or bracelets, just take something home with you that will help you remember your trip.

They can also be gifts for friends back home and evidence of the trip. Another importance of souvenirs is to educate you about other cultures. For instance, on a trip to China, you could purchase Chinese tea or a mah-jong set to play. Chinese silk and jade stone are also good souvenirs.

8. Safety

I don’t know why this was the last thing to pop into my head, but you must always be safe. There would be no good memories if someone gets lost, badly injured or worse, dead. It would be a trip no one wants to remember if something were to happen.

Therefore, it is important to always know where each family member is. Children especially should not wander off alone. Phones should always be turned on and with the owner at all times. Avoid late night or wandering off with strangers. Go out in pairs or in groups if you’re unfamiliar with the environment.


These activities help to strengthen relationships, take a figurative breath of fresh air from everyday mundane life. More, it’s also serves as a medium of education and exposure especially to children after all, what greater teacher is there than experience?

It brings to their knowledge that there is more to life than what is in their immediate environment. It also contributes to the tourism industry.

Total tourism revenue of France in 2022 reached a record high of 58 billion Euros while tourism in the USA contributed over two trillion U.S. dollars to the country’s GDP in 2022. These figure would not be complete without the contribution of families on holidays.

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