Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively?

Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively?

Among the Irish people, there are a particular group called Irish travelers also known for being gypsies or tinkers who lead a nomadic life.

Who are The Irish Travelers?

Before we discuss the reason for the provocative dressing of the Irish Travelers, we should first get to know them.
Among the Irish people, there are a particular group called Irish Travelers also known for being gypsies or tinkers who lead a nomadic life.

A quick Wikipedia search will tell you that the Irish travelers, also known as Pavees or Minceirs are a traditionally peripatetic indigenous ethno-cultural group originating in Ireland. In simple terms, they move from place to place and work wherever they are but only for short.

Language of the Irish Travelers

They predominantly speak English but may speak a language of both English and Irish origin called Shelta.


A large number of the Irish travelers are Roman Catholic which is also the predominant religion of the Republic of Ireland

Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively? The Irish Travelers have been said to dress in a manner that can be termed provocative especially the women who dress in bold colors and revealing clothing. To outsiders, this can be seen as odd or peculiar.

As we go further in this post, we will try to help you understand why Irish travelers dress provocatively, if it’s a misconception and some common beliefs about them.


•Who are the Irish travelers?
•Brief introduction
•Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively
-Attract attention/attract mates
-Love of color, extravagance and boldness
-Influence of the media and contemporary society
-Cultural shift
-Free thinking and individual style
•Importance of dressing to the Irish Travelers
•How are travelers seen by outsiders?
•Key takeaways

The first item in the table of content has been discussed so let’s dive in to the second item.

Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively

To understand this article, it is important to know the meaning of provocative in this context. Provocative in this context means dressing in a way meant to attract attention or cause arousal. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into the reasons Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively and then we’ll see if it’s true or based on biased opinion.

1. Attract Attention And Find Mates

Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively?

The colorful and scanty dressing of the Irish travelers especially their women are sure to turn a few heads and attract sexual partners.

2. Love for Colour, Extravagance And Boldness

Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively?

One of the most qualifying features of Irish traveler fashion is the predominance of brightly colored clothes and excessive accessories. This is a means of expressing strong emotions and to help them stand out. Patterns or styles of dressing are passed down from generation to generation. Like many other ethnic groups, their style of dressing is a way to showcase their cultural heritage. This does not illustrate provocativeness in the sense of stirring arousal but causing attraction.

3. Media And The Contemporary Society

Why Do Irish Travelers Dress Provocatively?

The media as a tool for education has helped in showcasing Irish traveler dressing style and has gotten more people to be aware and hence, they form their own opinions about the dress style. The contemporary society has also affected the traditional clothing style when it gets mixed with contemporary dressing to create something unique that is both traditional and modern

4. Celebration And Festivities 

Celebrations and festivities hold a special place in the hearts of Irish travelers and they show how much it means to them by going all out in their dressing and accessories during such events. Some of these celebrations may include: birthdays, anniversaries, weddings et cetera

5. Cultural Shift

As time goes by, the future generation’s choice of clothing can get influenced by present day fashion trends. Some of these copied trends can be seen as provocative when compared to the older generation’s clothing choices

6. Free Thinking And Individual Style 

Just like every other group of people, there are always contrasting opinions and views. So also, within the Irish travelers community, there are those who dress conservatively and others who might dress in revealing, provocative clothing
It is important to note however, that not all Irish Travelers dress provocatively so the statement that they all do is a gross generalization

Importance of Dressing to the Irish Travelers Society

Like many other cultures, dressing is an important part of tradition. It serves as a symbol of identity and easy identification. Dressing helps to stand out and distinguish them from other groups.

Special occasions like weddings, festivals or other community activities call for traditional attires of particular significance. The dressing of the community is adapted to their nomadic lifestyle; tough materials, comfortable clothing and shoes for various weathers

How are Travelers Seen by Outsiders?

There is a general discrimination and prejudice towards Travelers. An anonymous UK citizen said, “They are quite simply parasites. They take everything and give nothing back to the state in form of taxes.

They live between England and Ireland and flaunt the law in both countries, they amass wealth with dodger dealing and have no respect for other people or their property”

A lot of people have described them as con artists, thieves and general troublemakers. The fact that they are exempted from paying taxes irks a lot of people also and they think this law should be changed.

The Irish Travelers are a people with high infant mortality rate, shorter lifespan and lack proper formal education and amidst all these, they prefer to live in isolation. There have been several reports of travelers causing civil unrest and vandalism despite some efforts to receive them


In my opinion, I’d say it is not accurate to say that all Irish Travelers dress provocatively. Like any group of people, individuals within the Irish Traveler community have their own unique styles and preferences when it comes to clothing.

It is important to avoid making assumptions or generalizations about any group of people based on their appearance. On the issue of their misbehavior, It serious issue and measures should be put in place to curb or stop entirely the nuisance caused by them if proven to be true.

Key Takeaways

Members of the Irish Traveler community lead a nomadic lifestyle. Although they live separately from the traditional Irishmen, they bear some similarities like religion and language.

Their traditional attire is usually modest albeit colorful. There is a great prejudice and discrimination towards them which may be due to their trouble making.

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